Outdoor Adventures in Halifax
Dale Dunlop’s long-established bestseller, Exploring Nova Scotia, is a bible for people who like to get out and explore. In this new book Dale and his co-adventurer, Ryan Barry, focus on adventures within easy day-tripping distance of the city centre — and sometimes right in the city itself. From hikes across the Barrens to Polly’s Cove […]
Hiking the Blue Ridge Parkway
By: Randy Johnson Randy Johnson’s bestseller debuts in a brand new 3rd edition in early 2017, complete with full color photography and National Geographic topographical maps. Johnson’s book is the original guide to combines all the great trails of Blue Ridge Parkway with hundreds of hikes just off the Parkway in neighboring national forests, state […]
Exploring Nova Scotia
By: Dale Dunlop Nova Scotia is an attractive destination for travellers from all over the world. This book is the authoritative independent guide to the province’s best attractions many of them well-known, but many little-known even to Nova Scotia residents. Along with the activity guide are reliable, independent recommendations for accommodations and dining throughout the […]
Best Easy Day Hikes Blue Ridge Parkway
By: Randy Johnson Randy Johnson’s Best Easy Day Hikes Blue Ridge Parkway covers the easiest hikes along the entire Parkway—the most visited unit of the national park service—from Shenandoah National Park in Virginia to Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina and Tennessee. The popular FalconGuide “Best Easy” series features easier walks, including the wealth of […]