Begin a new year with First Day Hikes at Arkansas State Parks

Participants can earn an Arkansas State Parks First Day Hike sticker Arkansas State Parks provide an opportunity to commemorate the new year outdoors with First Day Hikes on Jan. 1, 2025. “Visiting a state park and participating in First Day Hikes is a special way to start off a new year in a healthy direction,” said […]

50 Hikes Around Anchorage (2nd Edition)

A hiker’s companion to the best treks within striking distance of Alaska’s largest city, 50 Hikes Around Anchorage covers the frontcountry and backcountry trails within a 30-minute drive of Anchorage. It also includes essential advice on local plants and animals, safety, and ethical hiking practices. The book is available for purchase from Countryman Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, […]

Best Easy Day Hikes Blue Ridge Parkway

By: Randy Johnson Randy Johnson’s Best Easy Day Hikes Blue Ridge Parkway covers the easiest hikes along the entire Parkway—the most visited unit of the national park service—from Shenandoah National Park in Virginia to Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina and Tennessee. The popular FalconGuide “Best Easy” series features easier walks, including the wealth of […]

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