2024 December Featured Journalist of the Month: Bob Cooper

Bob Cooper writes extensively about travel, especially active/adventure travel. His travel stories have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, National Geographic Traveler, AARP: The Magazine, Global Traveler, Budget Travel, Ensemble Vacations, Porthole Cruise, Via, Houston Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, and many other outlets. He specializes in writing about California and the U.S. West.

1. What got you into travel writing?
After decades of primarily writing about active sports, I decided to get serious about travel writing about 15 years ago and took a course. 

2. What’s the most challenging part of being a travel journalist for you?
Finding editors who respond, assign me stories, and don’t have unreasonable demands (or pay unreasonable rates). 

3. What is the most rewarding aspect of travel journalism? 


4. What is something you wish people knew about travel journalism? 

Very few travel journalists do it for a living, so keep your day job– or at least be sure you diversify in what you write and do for work. 

5. What have you enjoyed most about being a NATJA member?

I love the conferences… and the broad spectrum of the members I meet at them. 

6. How have your cross-cultural experiences shaped your point of view of
the world?  

Traveling to write a story about Manila when Ferdinand Marcos was still in power showed me the courage of those who opposed and ultimately removed him in what amounted to a bloodless coup. 

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