Orange Slices – The Eno River’s Ribbons of Color

In 2020, a time of deep reflection, recovery and desire for open spaces, more than 1.1 million people took to Orange County’s great outdoors and harnessed the healing powers of the Eno River to help them navigate some of the most trying days of our times. Orange County native Beverly Scarlett isn’t totally surprised. Scarlett is […]

Corps sites offer access to countless outdoor activities along the Arkansas River

This year marks an interesting milestone: the 50-year anniversary of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System, MKARNS. At the time of its opening half a century ago, the endeavor stood out as the largest civil works project that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USACE, had ever undertaken. Arkansans benefit from the MKARNS in a […]

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