Publication:National Geographic Traveler
Photography: Michael DeFreitas
Travel Journalism: Michael Luongo & Rebecca Rhoades
Destination Marketing Organization: Visit Tampa Bay


Category 300: Travel Magazine

Category 301: In-Flight Magazine

Category 302: Online Travel Magazine

Category 303: Travel Journalism Website

Category 304: Commercial/Publication Travel Blog

Category 305: Independent Travel Blog

MEDIA – General Travel Articles

Category 100: Destination Travel, Domestic Newspaper           

Category 101: Destination Travel, Domestic Magazine

Category 102: Destination Travel, International Newspaper

Category 103: Destination Travel, International Magazine

Category 104: Byline Travel Column – Greater than 250,000 Circulation

Category 104A: Byline Travel Column – Less than 250,000 Circulation

Category 105: Travel Series – Magazine

Category 105A: Travel Series – Newspaper

Category 105B: Travel Series – Online

Category 106: Destination Travel, Online Publication

MEDIA – Special Focus Travel Articles – Print

Category 120: Local Lifestyle

Category 121: Luxury & Leisure Travel

Category 122: Sports & Recreation

Category 123: Resorts

Category 124: Cruises

Category 125: Personality and Profiles

Category 126: Historical or Hobby Travel

Category 127: 50+ Travel

Category 128: Intergenerational and Family Travel

Category 129: Culinary Travel

Category 130: Cultural, Educational, Self-Improvement Travel

Category 131: Eco, Environmental or Special Purpose Travel

MEDIA – Special Focus Travel Articles – Internet

Category 140: Local Lifestyle

Category 141: Luxury and Leisure Travel

Category 142: Sports and Recreation

Category 143: Resorts

Category 144: Cruises

Category 145: Personality and Profiles

Category 146: Historical or Hobby Travel

Category 147: 50+ Travel

Category 148: Intergenerational and Family Travel

Category 149: Culinary Travel

Category 150: Cultural, Educational, Self-Improvement Travel

Category 151: Eco, Environmental or Special Purpose Travel

Category 152: Budget Travel

MEDIA – Electronic, Video, Broadcast

Category 153: Travel Broadcast – Video & Television

Category 154: Travel App


Category 170: Overall Excellence

Category 171: Cover Photo, Illustration

Category 172: Landscape, Seascape

Category 173: Portrait, People

Category 174: Facility, Architectural

Category 175: Nature

Category 176: Photo Essay

MEDIA – Miscellaneous

Category 190: Travel Book or Guide

Category 191: Trade Travel Article

Category 192A: Travel Roundups – Print

Category 192B: Travel Roundups – Online

Category 193: Travel Tips & Advice


Category 200: Visitors’ Guide (Printed or Electronic)

Category 201: Destination Video

Category 202: Destination Website

Category 203: Social Media or Marketing Campaign

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