2022 December Featured Organization of the Month: Jiji Press

We are a Japanese news agency venturing into inbound tourism promotions. We aim to assist governments, both central and local, and DMOs in Japan by advising them how to manage media and writer relations, as well as creating smart publicity content in English and other foreign languages. We also organize press tours and media events. As a news agency established in 1945, we know how important it is to respect a journalist’s creativity and need to achieve rich and resonating coverage.

1. ) What is your organization most known for? 

We are a Japanese news agency. We provide news from within and outside Japan to our media clients mostly in Japan. Recently we have started the business of inbound tourism promotion in which we aim to assist Japanese governments central and local as well as DMOs to promote their tourism resources globally. Currently, we are representing Aomori Prefecture, the northernmost region on the island of Honshu.

2.) During this time, how can we enjoy the destinations you represent?

Japan has finally opened up. Aomori is a region that has been under the radar for a long time. Visitors can discover authentic Japan there with less crowd.

3.) What hidden gem should not be missed when visiting a Jiji Press destination?

Aomori food is really unique. It faces four different types of waters; Tsugaru Strait with strong currents, the Japan Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and the calm water of Mutsu Bay. The famous bluefin tuna comes from Tsugaru Strait. Scallops from Mutsu Bay are really sweet.
Because of its remoteness, Aomori has maintained traditional cooking well. Visitors can enjoy a variety of local dishes handed down through generations.

4.) What’s one feature that can’t be missed when visiting your website?

News, of course.

5.) How did you hear about NATJA, why did you join?

Introduced by an expat writer living in Japan. Based on the West Coast, NATJA offers a chance for us to connect with travel writers.

6.) Is there anything else you feel travel media should know about your organization?

We are still developing our tourism promotion business. We can also work as a gateway in promoting the U.S. destinations in Japan.

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