February 16: NATJA Notes

Hello everyone,

I’m writing the introduction this month for Helen Hernandez because we want to inspire you to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day this month.

I’ve had the pleasure of teaching a kindness class to university students for the past three years and have watched kindness transform their lives. Research and science confirm that those who practice kindness enjoy a happier and healthier life. 

This February 17 is Random Acts of Kindness Day, and we encourage you to spread the love. The day is dedicated to the belief that even small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Give a compliment, buy someone a coffee, call an old friend, send a thank you note or just smile. If you feel like it, spread the word on #randomactsofkindnessday to inspire others. We need kindness more than ever and you are the perfect ambassadors.


Francesca Donlan
Co-Chair of NATJA Advisory Board and Communications Director for Discover Newport

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