The North Little Rock Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) has launched a new effort to define and strengthen culinary tourism for the city called “Setting the Table” which will optimize the local food ecosystem as a key driver for the city’s brand.
“At its heart, the mission of Setting the Table is to position North Little Rock as a regional and national culinary tourism destination,” said Karen Trevino, President & CEO of North Little Rock CVB. “Our goal is to amplify current culinary assets in North Little Rock, find the undiscovered gems and identify opportunities for new or improved culinary experiences.”

“Setting the Table” is spearheaded by North Little Rock CVB and overseen by an advisory committee consisting of the City of North Little Rock, North Little Rock Economic Development, the North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce and Argenta Downtown Council (ADC). North Little Rock CVB is working with Velocity Group to assist with developing the project framework.
“As North Little Rock grows, opportunities for unique and memorable culinary experiences should as well,” said North Little Rock Mayor Terry Hartwick. “Our city is working with our educational partners to educate and develop a vast and competent workforce for new and existing businesses. North Little Rock will be more attractive as a place to work if we develop and promote our opportunities to eat and play.”

In the coming months, North Little Rock CVB and the advisory committee will reach out to the local community and organize task forces to address all aspects of North Little Rock’s food ecosystem, including production, distribution, activation and engagement, policy and management, and brand and story.
“Cities that have strong culinary cultures don’t just happen by accident,” said John Owens, President & CEO of the North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce. “It’s a deliberate part of placemaking where the city and the community embrace the needs of the foodservice community.”

Argenta Downtown Council (ADC), which has been a culinary leader in North Little Rock, will be actively involved to align its culinary events and strategies with the city initiative. ADC had also previously worked with Velocity Group on an overall strategy for Argenta.

“In 2019, we committed to providing a big-vision culinary strategy that integrates and aligns Argenta Farmers Market, restaurant recruitment, food truck placement and event production,” said Chris Kent, ADC Executive Director. “COVID forced us all to pivot and reimagine our strategy, and we see our involvement in ‘Setting the Table’ as a natural progression.”

Before the launch of the initiative, all four entities had been working together to promote and improve North Little Rock’s culinary scene. In June 2020, the North Little Rock CVB, City of North Little Rock and ADC created the Argenta Outdoor Dining District to allow downtown restaurants to serve customers outside. Inspired by the success of Flyway Brewing’s “Tent City”, the entities worked together with downtown restaurant staff to implement and promote a successful outdoor tented dining area on Main Street.In January 2021, the North Little Rock CVB, the City of North Little Rock, North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce and North Little Rock Economic Development revamped North Little Rock Restaurant Week, promoting “dining local” by awarding points for restaurant receipts, social check-ins at restaurants and restaurant gift card purchases. The contest received 135 entries supporting 57 different North Little Rock restaurants and resulted in 6.2 million impressions for North Little Rock restaurants.
Our Approach
We recognize that compelling tourism destinations are foremost great places to live, and our efforts will:
- respect and celebrate local cultural assets and traditions,
- strengthen a sense of community,
- support a shared civic value of aesthetics of the culinary world
- provide a platform for local opportunity
Next Steps
In the coming months, North Little Rock CVB and the advisory committee will reach out to the local community and organize task forces to address all aspects of North Little Rock’s food ecosystem, including production, distribution, activation and engagement, policy and management, and brand and story. Updates will be posted on this page as they become available.
Advisory Committee
- Karen Trevino, President/CEO, North Little Rock CVB
- Colleen Carr, North Little Rock Economic Development
- Tracy Roulston, Chief of Staff, Office of Mayor, City of North Little Rock
- Ashley Hight, Executive Vice President, North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce
- Chris Kent, Executive Director, Argenta Downtown Council
- Shara Brazear, Director of Communications, Office of the Mayor, City of North Little Rock
- Dr. Arnessa Bennett, Director of Special Projects, Office of the Mayor, City of North Little Rock
- Stephanie Slagle, Director of Marketing, North Little Rock CVB