On December 8th, Secretary of State Cord Byrd launched a public survey aimed at gathering input for the newly established Florida Museum of Black History Task Force. Comprising of nine members appointed by the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President, this task force is tasked with shaping plans for the forthcoming museum, covering aspects such as location, design, construction, operation, administration, and marketing.
The overarching goal is not only to outline the museum’s logistics but also to develop a transition plan ensuring its financial self-sufficiency. The Task Force is also charged with recommending priorities for collections acquisition, exhibits, research, and educational materials to be utilized in Florida schools.
Secretary Cord Byrd stressed the significance of public involvement in formulating recommendations for the future Florida Museum of Black History. He encouraged Floridians to actively participate in the process by completing and sharing the brief survey, contributing to the Department of State’s submission of recommendations to the Florida Legislature.
We urge you to participate in this survey, share your insights and consider endorsing St. Augustine as the potential museum site.
The online survey will be open until February 29, 2024, and responses will be incorporated into the Department of State’s report to the Florida Legislature, scheduled for submission in July 2024.
Thank you!
Susan Phillips
President & CEO
St. Augustine, Ponte Vedra & The Beaches Visitors and Convention Bureau
Click the link to participate in the survey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2PCJQ8J