Japanese Inns & Hot Springs

By: Rob Goss

Richly illustrated and exhaustively researched, Japanese Inns & Hot Springs is the definitive guide to Japan’s ryokan (traditional inns). Co-authored by award-winning travel writer Rob Goss and photographer/ryokan expert Akihiko Seki, it presents the 40 finest ryokans in Japan, from historic properties like Hiiragiya in Kyoto and Kikkaso in Hakone to luxury retreats like Zaborin in Hokkaido and Tenku-no-Mori in Kyushu. Above all else this ryokan guide reveals the enduring traditions of Japanese hospitality, a rich heritage reaching back a thousand years to the time when Japan’s hot spring bathing culture took root. The beautiful properties in this book also illustrate the unique design sensibility for which Japan is so justly renowned, while detailing the etiquette and intricacies of a stay at a traditional inn.

This book is available in paperback format on Amazon.

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