Lost Angel Walkabout: One Traveler’s Tales

By: Linda Ballou

Lost Angel Walkabout: One Traveler’s Tales is a spirited collection of travel narratives recounting the haps, mishaps, and serendipitous adventures that have given travel writer Linda Ballou her sense of wonder and delight. Some of the stories might make you glad you stayed home, while others will inspire you to toss the TV clicker out the window and get up off the couch to explore our beautiful planet. All of these tales let you share the sensual experience of being there without straining one muscle, getting altitude sickness, or tipping your canoe.

Awaken your senses with thrilling tales of an intrepid soul’s search for beauty in the wilds. Linda Ballou embraces life and draws readers into her adventures with vivid descriptions that make you feel you are traveling along side her. She brings an intelligent meditation on nature in richly detailed, often poetic stories.

This title is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format.

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