Yucatan Coming to L.A. July 14

You can still register to taste the flavors of Yucatan #flavorsofYucatan More about the event… This is a press event to introduce the 360 Flavors of Yucatan: Presentation on the latest news from the state of Yucatan: Merida, Valladolid, Izamal, Maya World (this is not Cancun or Tulum). Culinary presentation by Merida Culinary Ambassador Pedro […]

This Week in North Little Rock (7.11.2022)

Here is what is happening in North Little Rock this week!  Third Friday Argenta Art Walk is this Friday from 5 P.M. to 8 P.M. in Argenta. Things to do this week in North Little Rock (as of 7.11.22) *denotes FREE admissionFull calendar of events: https://northlittlerock.org/events Thursday, July 14 *8a–7:30p|The Old Mill at T. R. […]

Events Happening This Week and Beyond on Florida’s Historic Coast!

Summer is in full swing on Florida’s Historic Coast. Here is a list of events featuring great music, historic reenactments and fun celebrations into the weekend, and a preview of even more events taking place next week! Please check to make sure events are on schedule and the attractions you plan to visit are open […]

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