Obituary: Joel Zatz

We are saddened to share that longtime NATJA media member Joel Zatz passed away on July 14. His wife and fellow NATJA member, Arline, shared with us the lovely quote below from Joel, as well as his obituary. Our thoughts and prayers are with Arline and their family during this difficult time. “Nature is the […]

July 16: A Letter from NATJA’s CEO

July 16: Letter from NATJA CEO

With the social pressures that have recently brought into sharp focus the importance of diversity in each organization’s workforce composition, internal processes and outward bound messages, NATJA’s Advisory Board thought it appropriate to take its own temperature.

July 1: A Letter from NATJA’s CEO

July 1: Letter from NATJA's CEO

First of all, thank you to all who participated in our June NATJA membership virtual meeting. We had participation from over 30% of our membership.

June 1: Letter from NATJA CEO

Where do I begin? Just as many of our destinations were beginning to emerge from some of the darkest weeks we have experienced in our lifetimes, we have been catapulted into another type of darkness, one rooted in centuries of institutionalized racial discrimination.

May 16: Message from NATJA’s CEO

May 16: Message from NATJA's CEO

As states start to open up for business once again, we begin to better assess what our new normal will look like and the effects of it on travel and tourism.

May 1: A Message from NATJA’s CEO

May 1: Message from NATJA's CEO

The NATJA team is struggling a bit with Covid-19 and the shutdown, like all of you, but we are surviving and preparing to emerge and thrive.

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